What's new on Accelevents

In-Person, Virtual & Hybrid Event Platform

October 27, 2021

Discover What's New on Accelevents! October 18th Release

See an attendee’s activity throughout the Virtual Event Hub.

In the Attendees section of your Admin Console, you can view each attendee’s actions throughout the event, from entering the event to commenting on lobby posts and more! (Pro & Enterprise only).

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Exhibitors can now launch polls from within their booth!

To launch a poll in an exhibitor booth, click on the Chat with a Lead  tab in the My Booth section of the VEH.

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Exhibitors can now have a promotional video auto-play when an attendee enters their booth!

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Manage the ability for attendees to send direct messages to those they have not connected with. 

Organizers can determine whether or not attendees can interact through direct messages without using the Connect feature. 

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Additional Updates:

  • Accelevents will now prompt new attendees to create a password when entering an event and provide a confirmation link for added security.
  • CAPTCHA is now required to retrieve RTMP keys.
  • A confirmation action when disabling Record this Session has been added.
  • Added a Deleted status to any Q&A or Polling questions that are removed
  • Made improvements throughout the platform to optimize and provide more consistency throughout the event-build experience.
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